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1. Read Aloud – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories January 2024

Bill – PTE Read Aloud

– 16 January 2024 @Shijiazhuang, China

The bill calls for the establishment of the National Landslide Hazards Reduction Program within one year of becoming law. The program serves numerous functions, including to identify and understand landslide hazards and risks, reduce losses from landslides, protect communities at risk of landslides hazards, and improve communication and emergency preparedness.


Agricultural Problems – PTE Read Aloud

– 10 January 2024 @Zhengzhou, China

Agricultural Problems

Agricultural problems due to climate change of normal weather, water depletion and the collapse of soil have become big problems in all parts of the world. Many are now focusing on ethics and family farming as a way to combat these issues.


Urban Forests – PTE Read Aloud

– 9 January 2024 @Melbourne, Australia

A community’s urban forest is an extension of its pride and community spirit. Trees enhance community economic stability by attracting businesses and tourists as people tend to linger and shop longer along tree-lined streets. Apartments and offices in wooded areas rent more quickly and businesses leasing office spaces in developments with trees reported higher productivity and fewer absences.


Child Psychology – PTE Read Aloud

– 16 January 2024 @Brisbane, Australia

Within this free course, you will be introduced briefly to the discipline of child psychology and to theories and approaches that have been developed to help us understand and support children’s lives by focusing on the individual children. Psychologists can assess changes in their child’s abilities over time, including their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.


William Shakespeare – PTE Read Aloud

– 10 January 2024 @Seoul, South Korea

Three hundred and eighty years after his death, William Shakespeare remains the central author of the English-speaking world; he is the most quoted poet and the most regularly produced playwright — and now among the most popular screenwriters as well. Why is that, and who “is” he? Why do so many people think his writing is so great? What meanings did his plays have in his own time, and how do we read, speak, or listen to his words now?


2. Describe Image – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories January 2024

Brain Food (15 January 2024 @Zhengzhou, China) – PTE Describe Image

Age Group (10 January 2024 @Telangana, India) – PTE Describe Image

Tomato Processing Cycle (16 January 2024@Guangzhou, China) – PTE Describe Image

Tomato PTE DI
Tomato PTE DI



3. Summarize Spoken Text – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories January 2024

Origin of Species (5 January 2024 @Seoul, South Korea – PTE Summarize Written Text)

Origin of Species PTE Summarize Spoken Text

In The Origin of Species, Darwin provided abundant evidence that life on Earth has evolved over time, and he proposed natural selection as the primary mechanism for that change. He observed that individuals differ in their inherited traits and that selection acts on such differences, leading to evolutionary change. Although Darwin realized that variation in heritable traits is a prerequisite for evolution , he did not know precisely how organisms pass heritable traits to their offspring. Just a few years after Darwin published The Origin of Species, Gregor Mendel wrote a groundbreaking paper on inheritance in pea plants. In that paper, Mendel proposed a model of inheritance in which organisms transmit discrete heritable units (now called genes) to their offspring. Although Darwin did not know about genes, Mendel’s paper set the stage for understanding the genetic differences on which evolution is based.

Sample Answer:

In The Origin of Species, Darwin provided evidence that life on Earth has evolved and natural selection as the primary mechanism for that change. However, he didn’t know precisely how organisms pass heritable traits to their offspring. Gregor Mendel wrote a paper on inheritance in pea plants, he proposed a model of inheritance. Furthermore, he’s paper set the stage for understanding the genetic differences on which evolution is based. (69 words)

4. Summarize Written Text – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories January 2024

Telescope (16 January 2024 @Adelaide, Australia) – PTE Summarize Spoken Text

On a starry night in Padua 400 years ago, Galileo first turned a telescope toward the sky. It might seem the most natural of actions—after all, what else does one do with a telescope? But in 1609, the instrument, which had been invented only the year before by Dutch opticians, was known as a “spyglass,” in anticipation of its military uses. The device was also sold as a toy. When Galileo read of it, he quickly set about making a much more powerful version. The Dutch telescopes magnified images by 3 times; Galileo’s telescopes magnified them by 8 to 30 times. At the time, astronomy, like much of science, remained under the spell of Aristotle. Almost 2,000 years after his death, the giant of Greek philosophy was held in such high regard that even his most suspect pronouncements were considered unimpeachable. Aristotle had maintained that all celestial objects were perfect and immutable spheres, and that the stars made a dizzying daily journey around the center of the universe, our stationary Earth. Why scrutinize the sky? The system had already been neatly laid out in books. Astronomers “wish never to raise their eyes from those pages,” Galileo wrote in frustration, “as if this great book of the universe had been written to be read by nobody but Aristotle, and his eyes had been destined to see for all posterity.” In Galileo’s day, the study of astronomy was used to maintain and reform the calendar. Sufficiently advanced students of astronomy made horoscopes; the alignment of the stars was believed to influence everything from politics to health.

Sample Answer: 

Galileo first turned a telescope toward the sky 400 years ago, which made a much more powerful version, and Greek’s philosophy was held in such high regard that even his most suspect pronouncements were considered unimpeachable, so the study of astronomy was used to maintain and reform the calendar, and the alignment of the stars was believed to influence everything from politics to health. (64 words)


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