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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Why use templates?

Templates are set content formats, which do not vary according to the topic. You might risk losing marks owing to the use of templates in IELTS exam. And when it comes to whether or not using templates in PTE exam, there never lacks debates and arguments. 

Should we use templates in PTE exam? 

The answer is that it is advisable to use templates for PTE speaking and writing to score a perfect 90. Because they are very useful in emergency situations when you get a very short audio, and you would have less keywords to make answers. 

If you are targeting 79+, then it is only recommended you use templates for tasks in Describe Image, Retell Lecture, and Write Essay. But if your desired score is 65 for each module, then you can use templates even in Summarize Written Text and Summarize Spoken Text.

 PTE Strategy by using templates


Sample Templates for Retell Lecture:

  • The speaker discussed a brief information about _________. 
  • First of all, he/she mentioned ________.
  • He/she also talked about __________.
  • He/she highlighted the key topics of _________.
  • Finally, he/she suggested that _________.
  • In conclusion, the lecture was very useful and can be used as a specific reference for the future study in similar learning objective (you can build a longer or shorter sentence to adjust answering time).


Sample Templates for Summarize Spoken Text: 

  • The speaker explicitly established the fact about ________. He/she further emphasized on __________. He/she then continued to give a brief explanation about __________. The __________ is also one of the major concerns of the speaker. In addition, he/she also provided a succinct overview of _________. In conclusion, the _______ plays an instrumental role in constructing the central ideas of the lecture. (Use this templates when the audio is too short or only have few keywords)
  • The lecture is about _____________. Specifically, __________________. Furthermore, ________________________. Although ______________, ________________. Consequently/ Finally, _____________________. (Use same words or sentences that you heard as much as possible and link them all together by using conjunctions)


For Essay …

Using bad template when writing essay in PTE exam could lead to a low score for content and Written Discourse. And this is the reason that many experts keep saying do not use templates for essays.

However, it is extremely difficult to complete a minimum of 200 words essay in 20 minutes. Therefore, a good essay template is a key to improve your writing score. When you prepare a template for essay, you should pay attention to logic of structure and conjunctions instead of too many content words. 

We provide different types of Essay Templates for 90 Score as a big bonus in our All in One PTE Package. For the describe image templates you can read Simple Trick – Describe Image Templates to Achieve 79+